I haven't seen many of my friends for many many years, partly my fault for not making the effort. Recently facebook has helped me in menjejak kasih for Azirah, Kalsom, Juneta, Jasmin (sis of Juneta), Yati and Puteri (and perhaps many more). I am eagerly looking forward to meet them .... this time I shall find the time dear friends....
I have a little red car,
that fits five quite comfortably,
but members of my family
when shopping think I drive a lorry.
The thing is that they think
it will take them as well,
would you believe.
I do not know where they got the notion
that if you push the back seat down
you can carry triple the amount.
In a minute if they keep going
I will be driving through the sunroof
as there will not be any room
for me in my little red car
Meamor skyped at 4am malaysian time on his visit to webster falls today. He said it was marvelous and he enjoyed every bit of it. I think he deserved to be off hook with books for a while. He had just undergone a 2-week hectic schedule with assignments, projects and tests. He has gone thinner in 2 weeks due to living on "sarapan roti, lunch roti and dinner roti tak sempat masak" kind of menu.
He asked me "mama nape waktu macam ni tak tidor lagi?". Suddenly I realized that my haywire sleeping time started with his departure to canada and it has gotten worse since I joined HEP.
Last thursday a new family member arrived. She is a little kitten bought from a pet shop which aina named 'chomel' (though I wanted to name her cleopatra or poppin). Aiman squealed with joy and laughter when we showed her over skype. I hope dh will recover from his 'lost' over sugar. Most of all I am happy that mak adores chomel (since she will spend most of the time with her at home when all of us go to either work or school). Hubby will teach her some games and tricks. I hope to teach her 'martial arts'!
Welcome chomel - we will make u a home which you will be happy to spend the rest of your life in it.
Prof Dr Muhd Kamil Ibrahim - I've known him long in blogosphere through his writings. His name was nothing new since I was also from ITM. I bought his travelog haji from mph bookstore in Subang Jaya. I've met him personally in Sarajevo and he presented me his travelog haji cd signed with a kasih sayang seorang saudara muslim. One week knowing him in Bosnia (we were part of the malaysian universities delegation) and having the opportunities to solat jemaah with him as the imam and hearing his tazkirahs has done me good (in faith) and I am so thankful to Allah. He is a simple yet great man, and effective in his dakwah.
Aina is having a high fever again @ 39.9-40.0 C. This means mama will have to stay all night in the study room by her side to monitor every hour and sponge bathe her. Since her first month until 2 years old she used to cause alarm to her parents - by having fits alongside even a slight fever. The neighbours were being noted and more often than not, they took the trouble to send her to smc (then only noting us, her parents). Every time she went into fits, I went into phobia - it caused tears and pains to me - every of those times, I felt like almost losing her. Even she is almost 12 11 years of age now and responded well to prescribed dosage of fever medication, I wouldn't take any chance and continue to nurse her to ensure she is totally free from fits and its symptoms.
Here are the lyrics of a beautiful poem by Mary A. Loberg.
A Mother's Prayer
Help me dear Lord, as a mother, I pray
And bless these hands folded in prayer today;
May they be ever strong as they guide, as they teach,
Beings never too far for a child to reach.
May they never, with selfishness, try to dissuade,
Nor too quickly punish, nor too slowly aid.
May they point out the pleasures in laughter and song,
And may they show, wisely, the right from the wrong,
So that one day I'll know that I've helped all I can
To make her a woman, to make him a man.
It had passed midnight and i am still with the laptop working on the international conference to be held at the end of this month. On dh's invitation, I gladly answered yes, grabbed my scarf and followed him heading for dataran shah alam for a char kuey tiau, otak2 and hot plain tea. The last time we came here was like more than 1 year ago before me amor leaving for canada. While eating and watching manchester u vs sunderland (dh is a fan of chelsea while I am of man u's) on the screen, we discussed about young men in general, their behavioral and needs, likes and dislikes. My cellphone buzzed at 1.35am, my, with a message from an src - he was still awake at this wee hours? We then had a good laugh mimicking a mute wife and a deaf husband. He still can insult me 'crazy' with his sign language - but I was just not in the mood to 'pay' him for that! Initially I was just mooting up the idea of a happy marriage - that is between a mute wife and a deaf husband. But then we thought it would be very deadly boring - its the whispers, sweet talks and quarrels that add salt and pepper to a husband/wife relationship! Really?
An unfavorable incident occurred today that has left me frustrated and agitated. Though I feel wanna shut the door then lock it and throw the key away, I cannot do it for there is love and sense of responsibility in all the things I do and vision out. I tried to find console by having a lunch date with dh at JM Briyani, Tesco. I remembered a lesson learned from John Casey's mother some time ago - don't shut the door too hard like you don't want to open it again... and I also remembered fairly well those words uttered by Prof Zainal in a lecture. Good balance of them make it do, I hope so.
A little while ago I was doing a bit of clearing of what my mak said my 'sepah' belongings. But these (especially the above twos) had delayed my 'berkemas' and put me into a deep thinking....
Known as noraisyah and aisyah to most, syah to some, ash to a few, echah to a very few seniors, esah to 'orang lama', nor to family, mama to prince and princess, usu to nieces and nephew, maksu to nieces and nephews in law, puan officially to some, kak sya and sis to some 'adiks', madam to some lovely students...
Strange But True
I must share this experience with you guys.
Just yesterday, I lost my phone while paying for my breakfast at the
restaurant pay-counter. I was very sure ...
Doa Buat Kekasih, Again!!
I am not so much a concert goer. Hubby & I once went to watch Air Supply in
KL when our no1 & no2 kids gave us the tickets as birthday gifts. In 2008 I